Friday, October 13, 2006
ZOIKS! Roger-Doo and the Case of The Slow News Day
Ok, I said I wouldn't reference any more old movies in this blog, but I never said anything about old cartoons. So I'll just say that there were elements of this morning's Roger Report - on the scintillating topic of the closure of the Manhattan Bridge's lower level for a year - that reminded me of old episodes of Scooby Doo. Was it Roger's imitation of an old man growling about his dislike of the Bridge - an imitation that smacked of Scooby getting all up in Shaggy's grill? ("R-I r-on't r-ike r-uh R-anhattan R-idge!")? You've got to admit that Pat K., who enjoyed Roger's growl so much he had him repeat the joke, looks a little bit like Shaggy...with a necktie and a whole lot of Aquanet. Or perhaps it was the fact that Iris Weinshall, the Transportation Commissioner who was asked for her insights on this hard-hitting news story, looks a hell of a lot like Velma. In fact, she's a ringer for Velma. The only things she was missing were the orange turtleneck and knee socks. I got so stuck on this observation, I tuned out everything she had to say on the bridge closure itself because year-long traffic congestion is a little heavy for my constitution first thing in the morning.
With one eye open I awaited the Pat K. and Roger exchange which I had few hopes for since Rog was dressed to the nines in a long cashmere coat and blue silk tie, usually a sign that the Mystery Machine is headed straight for Dull-ville. When Roger - who is forced to put on an upbeat front for Commissioner Velma - shared that there would be a 100th anniversary party for the bridge on Sunday, Pat K. spoke for all of NYC when he almost tipped out of his chair with boredom. But Pat K. being Pat K. never misses an opportunity to leave Roger hanging so he asked him if he knew what other bridges were turning 100. Roger - like most of us except most of us aren't standing right next to the Transportation Commissioner - didn't know. Some awkward laughing and freeze frame. Give this man a Scooby Snack.
With one eye open I awaited the Pat K. and Roger exchange which I had few hopes for since Rog was dressed to the nines in a long cashmere coat and blue silk tie, usually a sign that the Mystery Machine is headed straight for Dull-ville. When Roger - who is forced to put on an upbeat front for Commissioner Velma - shared that there would be a 100th anniversary party for the bridge on Sunday, Pat K. spoke for all of NYC when he almost tipped out of his chair with boredom. But Pat K. being Pat K. never misses an opportunity to leave Roger hanging so he asked him if he knew what other bridges were turning 100. Roger - like most of us except most of us aren't standing right next to the Transportation Commissioner - didn't know. Some awkward laughing and freeze frame. Give this man a Scooby Snack.