Thursday, October 19, 2006


Tis the East and Roger is the Sun

Sorry about yesterday. I was riding the Theraflu magic carpet and woke up late. Thankfully Tuesday's Roger Report, complete with a huge trophy cup and a street cart full of spicy meat, definitely kept me going until this morning.

Today we were treated to what I'll refer to as Roger: morning, noon and night. When he first called-in to Pat, it was still dark out and he was standing in front of Shea Stadium looking adorably snoozy and rumpled in his brown cordoroy jacket (dare I say, the first appearance of the season?) and tie. The Mets are heading into Game 7 against the Cardinals tonight and Rog couldn't be more excited. Apparently he was up late last night watching the game, which could explain why he called Pat K. "Fat." As in, "Hi Fat, it's Roger." I would almost bet money that this was indeed a slip of the tongue and not me continuing to linger in my cold medicine haze. Roger went on to rave about the pitching skills of the Mets' John Maine. He commented that he "loves Maine," especially "the potatoes and the lobster." Is Maine known for its potatoes? I'm thinking no. Anyway... Pat K. threw an existentialist wrench into the conversation when he commented that there would be "no tomorrow unless (the Mets) win." Roger, to his credit, tried his best to grapple with this concept and ultimately just giggled. I would have too, Roger, I would have too.

What seemed like only moments later, we were back on the scene with Roger except this time there was daylight and Roger was standing in exactly the same spot, reporting on exactly the same thing. We got to see the same man-on-the-street interviews at Joey D.'s diner in Queens where all three Joey D's employees (I have no idea if one of them was indeed THE Joey D.) looked like they were straight out of central casting for The Sopranos (even the Asian guy with the diamond stud in his ear looked like his name could have been Sal). These interviews could be used as audition tape if they should ever need it, since their individual readings of "The Mets are gonna take it in 7" was pretty convincing all around.

There was yet another stand-up with Roger at Shea that I mostly tuned out as soon as I realized that we weren't going to get any new info. I did catch Roger having a paranoid moment with Pat regarding his (Roger's) job, but we'll chalk that up to over-excitement (big night tonight) and the fact that it was barely 8 am. No more cold medicine for me. I want to be fresh for Roger's take on tonight's game. Rog, if they win, you better be sporting a foam finger and a Mets jersey tomorrow. Do it for me. Do it for the made men at Joey D's. Do it for New York.

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