Thursday, October 05, 2006


Roger Clark: Funniest Reporter Guy (almost)

I've said it before and I'll say it again but you know it's going to be a grim day when Roger's in a suit. Add to that a Franciscan friar giving an extensive monologue on the t-beam cross relic from 9/11 and you've got a recipe for a handful of sleeping pills and six martinis for breakfast. Speaking of, today's Roger Report reminded me in some ways of that pharmaceutical commerical featuring Abe Lincoln and a guy with insomnia which pretty accurately captures the experience of dreaming...or having a drug-induced nightmare. If a talking beaver with a chessboard had appeared with the Franciscan in today's report I would have been fairly certain I was hallucinating and promptly signed myself up for Narcotics Anonymous. On second thought, the Franciscan alone might have me doing the 12 steps.
As much as I love rambling on and on about the seriousness of the suit, and the bizarro-ness of a talking monk with my morning coffee, I'm going to turn the rest of this posting over to a couple of Kodak moments from the halcyon days of Summer when the shirts were polo and the news was funny. Here are a couple of shots from Roger's turn at The Funniest Reporter contest. He may not have won the contest, but he captured our hearts and what appears to be a sweet, sweet backstage pass (hung around his neck). I'm hoping that thing is for a Stones concert or something because backstage at the Gotham Comedy Club is not terribly cool. A beaver and a chess set, now that's cool.

Roger wonders where his polo shirt be at!

"I said the brown polo shirt...idiots"

Roger and the Gang (I see that this event also featured a Frasier lookalike)

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