Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Roger Gets Catty (get it?)

I was going to call this post "Roger Goes to the Dogs," but that just seemed done. We try to keep our titles fresh here at "I Heart Roger Clark."

Today, Roger reported from the new, 5 million dollar ASPCA building which is supposedly fairly grand and unlike the old-fashioned shelters with rows of cages full of heartbreakingly cute animals. Not that we got to see the new building because, as is frequently the case with Clark reports, there's generally a lack of any physical activitiy. Eating does not count.

All decked out in a striped polo, Rog tried to wrangle a kitten named "Tommy" who - despite Roger's protests to the contrary - did not appear to be one of the millions of cats in the world who love him. After a brief interview with the Executive VP and brains behind the new facility (which Clark helpfully commented he'd "like to move into"), Roger stood up and started looking around for Tommy who had hidden himself underneath Roger's chair likely figuring that there was no way The Big Guy would ever exert himself enough to come looking for him. Poor Tommy. How wrong he was. After some maneuvering, and with a little help from the VP, Roger pulled Tommy from under his seat and once again had him in his clutches. Pat K. commented that Tommy looked "warm" which I think was a veiled reference to Roger's bear hug hold on the little guy. And like all Clark reports, he went out with a zinger when he leaned into the camera and said to Pat in his best faux snarl "I'll adopt him and bring him home and then he'll like me!" I'm hoping this is not a Clark dating technique.

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