Wednesday, September 27, 2006
If you have to do polo, stick with the shirt
Water polo is a sport normally dominated by extremely hot men. I'm not saying that Rog doesn't have his charms, he does, and we all know my fondness for the brown polo shirt. However, yesterday's turn in the pool with the godlike St. Francis Xavier water polo team was, how do you say?, just wrong. Through the miracles of editing, we didn't have to witness Roger nearly drowning in the pool, but technology couldn't disguise the fact that he wore his special water polo cap, tied dangerously tight, and a tight grey t-shirt while conducting an interview poolside with three Serbian studs - water dripping from their rippling muscles. In all fairness, it's not easy holding one's own in the company of Greek gods, but most folks would have at least lost the swim cap. Clark looked like a Q-tip. The Serbians knew it, Pat K. knew it, and I certainly knew it. When it seemed that he might not be able to untie the cap, the camera mercifully cut back to Pat. I missed this morning's report. Hopefully he was able to cut that thing off.